Electoral registration FAQs
This page has some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about elections and registering to vote.
Click on the question to see the answer.
I've received a household response form. What do I do?
You do not need to do anything if you have received a single A4 form and all the details are correct.
If the details need changing, follow the instructions on the form to change this online.
If you’ve received an A3 form, you must respond to confirm the information is correct or to amend the details.
What should I do if I can't get to the polling station on polling day?
You can choose to vote by post or by proxy. Find out more on our voting by post or proxy webpage.
What should I do if I am not registered?
You can register online on the Government's website. To ask for a paper application form, email elections@scambs.gov.uk.
My neighbours have received poll cards, but I haven't - will I be able to vote?
Poll cards do not always arrive together, but it would be best to check that you are on the Electoral Register by emailing elections@scambs.gov.uk.
I have already told the council I live here and I have voted in the past. Why am I not registered?
Even if you have registered to pay council tax or get other council services, you may still need to register to vote. This will be the case if you’ve recently moved homes.
Do I have to be on the Register to get credit?
No, but it is usually more difficult to get credit if you’re not on the Electoral Register.
Why are there 2 versions of the Register?
The Full Register
The Full Register has the names and addresses of everyone registered to vote. We update it monthly. Anyone can look at it at our office.
Copies of this register can only be given for certain reasons, such as elections and law enforcement. Credit reference agencies can also use the Full Register, but only to check your name and address if you’re applying for credit and to stop money laundering.
Anyone who has a copy of the Register will be committing a criminal offence if they unlawfully pass on information from it.
The Open Register
The Open Register is available for general sale. Any person, company, or organisation can buy a copy of the Open Register. It can be used for any purpose for example, carrying out business activities, identity checks. We keep it separate from the Full Register and update it monthly.
You can also choose not to be on it.
Opt-out of the Open Register
If you tick the "opt-out" box when registering, your name and address will only appear on the Full Register.
If you do not tick the box, your name will also appear on the Open Register, which anyone can buy. This step means anyone can use your details for any purpose. To opt-out once you have already registered, email elections@scambs.gov.uk.
Can I view the Register online, or can you look someone up for me?
The Electoral Register is not available to view online.
You can look at a paper copy of the Electoral Register at our offices in Cambourne.
My name has changed. How do I change it on the register?
You can register online using your new details.
Alternatively, you will need to give evidence of the name change, such as a marriage certificate or deed poll. This can be emailed to elections@scambs.gov.uk
How do I opt out of the open register?
I’ve moved house and need to update the Electoral Register
If you have moved house you’ll need to complete a new application to register to vote for that address. You can do this online via Gov.uk.