Services and Facilities Study
What is the Services and Facilities Study?
The Services and Facilities Study forms part of the evidence base for the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan.
The purpose of the study is to collate services and facilities data for all settlements within the district to provide and document an evidence base for the review of the settlement hierarchy and for future community / neighbourhood planning. Data is presented for each settlement in both table and map form.
The introduction outlines when the data was collected and indicates the different sources used within the study.
Services and Facilities Study (March 2014) extracts of the study
Below are PDF extracts of the study which is ordered alphabetically by settlement:
- Contents and Introduction
- Key [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Abington Pigotts [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Arrington [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Babraham [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Balsham [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Bar Hill [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Barrington [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Bartlow [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Barton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Bassingbourn [PDF, 1MB]
- Bourn [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Boxworth [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Cambourne [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Carlton [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Castle Camps [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Caxton [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Cherry Hinton Fringe [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Childerley [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Comberton [PDF, 1MB]
- Conington [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Coton [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Cottenham [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Croxton [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Croydon [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Dry Drayton [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Duxford [PDF, 0.7MB]
- The Hatleys [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Elsworth [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Eltisley [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Fen Ditton [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Fen Drayton [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Fowlmere [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Foxton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Fulbourn [PDF, 1MB]
- Gamlingay [PDF, 1MB]
- Girton [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Grantchester [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Graveley [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Great Abington [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Great Chishill [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Great Eversden [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Great Shelford and Stapleford [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Great Wilbraham [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Guilden Morden [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Hardwick [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Harlton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Harston [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Haslingfield [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Hauxton [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Heathfield [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Heydon [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Highfields Caldecote [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Hildersham [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Hinxton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Histon and Impington [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Horningsea [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Horseheath [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Ickleton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Kingston [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Knapwell [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Kneesworth [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Landbeach [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Linton [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Litlington [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Little Abington [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Little Chishill [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Little Eversden [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Little Gransden [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Little Shelford [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Little Wilbraham [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Lolworth [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Longstanton [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Longstowe [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Madingley [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Melbourn [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Meldreth [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Milton [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Newton [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Oakington [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Orchard Park [PDF, 1MB]
- Orwell [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Over [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Pampisford [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Papworth Everard [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Papworth St. Agnes [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Rampton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Sawston [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Shepreth [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Shingay-cum-Wendy [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Shudy Camps [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Six Mile Bottom [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Steeple Morden [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Stow-cum-Quy [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Swavesey [PDF, 1MB]
- Tadlow [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Teversham [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Thriplow [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Toft [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Trumpington Meadows [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Waterbeach [PDF, 1.5MB]
- West Wickham [PDF, 0.4MB]
- West Wratting [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Weston Colville and Weston Green [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Whaddon [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Whittlesford [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Whittlesford Bridge [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Willingham [PDF, 1MB]
- Wimpole [PDF, 0.3MB]
Services and Facilities Study (March 2012)
Below are PDF extracts of the study which is ordered by settlement category as outlined in the Local Development Framework Adopted Core Strategy 2007:
- Introduction [PDF, 28Kb]
- Key [PDF, 0.1MB]
- Edge of Cambridge:
- Rural Centres:
- Minor Rural Centres:
- Group Villages:
- Balsham [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Barrington [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Barton [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Bassingbourn [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Bourn [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Castle Camps [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Comberton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Coton [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Dry Drayton [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Duxford [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Elsworth [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Eltisley [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Fen Ditton [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Fen Drayton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Fowlmere [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Foxton [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Girton [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Great Abington [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Great Wilbraham [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Guilden Morden [PDF, 11Kb]
- Hardwick [PDF, 10Kb]
- Harston [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Haslingfield [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Hauxton [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Highfields Caldecote [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Little Abington [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Longstanton [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Meldreth [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Milton [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Oakington [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Orwell [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Over [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Steeple Morden [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Swavesey [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Teversham [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Thriplow [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Whittlesford [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Infill Villages:
- Abington Pigotts [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Arrington [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Babraham [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Bartlow [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Boxworth [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Carlton [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Caxton [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Childerley [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Conington [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Croxton [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Croydon [PDF, 0.2MB]
- The Hatleys [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Grantchester [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Graveley [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Great Chishill [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Great Eversden [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Harlton [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Heathfield [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Heydon [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Hildersham [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Hinxton [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Horningsea [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Horseheath [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Ickleton [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Kingston [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Knapwell [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Kneesworth [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Landbeach [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Litlington [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Little Chishill [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Little Eversden [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Little Gransden [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Little Shelford [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Little Wilbraham [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Lolworth [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Longstowe [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Madingley [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Newton [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Pampisford [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Papworth St. Agnes [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Rampton [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Shepreth [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Shingay cum Wendy [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Shudy Camps [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Six Mile Bottom [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Stow cum Quy [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Tadlow [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Toft [PDF, 0.2MB]
- West Wickham [PDF, 0.2MB]
- West Wratting [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Weston Colville and Weston Green [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Whaddon [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Wimpole [PDF, 0.3MB]